07 June 2015
Note 3 - 10 responses
2/5/86 8:56 am CST lehman / rlbgrp / cerl
I found a staff of Appearance the other day, but do not know
what it does. Every time I use it it says "nothing happens".
I even recharged it to make sure it wasn't a burned out
staff. I tried it on undead and other creatures.
Anyone know what this staff is useful for?
2/5/86 1:33 pm CST thomsen / commerce / cerl
Did you try using it on an invisible monster?
One theory is that if you do, you will be able
to see that monster.
2/7/86 4:28 am CST mcquown / ee / cerl
I tried this on a fog monster and it did nothing.
2/7/86 11:38 am CST nate / summit / cerl
2/8/86 3:34 pm CST turnbow / chemproc / cerl
have tried in on both invisible and fog monsters and it
does nothing.
2/8/86 6:56 pm CST thomsen / commerce / cerl
Ok, we give up Greg. What the fuck is it supposed to
2/8/86 11:35 pm CST johnson / ee / cerl
Is there an item that makes you invisible? If so, does
it make you visible?
6/19/86 2:12 pm CST larson / pasr / cerl
Has anyone tried using it in various situations with
6/22/86 1:20 am CST mcquown / ee / cerl
9/8/86 4:38 pm CST moline / chipsi / cerl
What does the staff do when it runs out of charges?
i.e. Does it disappear? Does it just appear
to be a staff when charged?
9/22/86 6:01 pm CST dunn / commerce / cerl
If it is ID-ed, it says [0] for the charges. Otherwise,
it just has "no effect".